November 15, 2017
Sky-Futures Makes Drone Adoption Simpler for the Enterprise User
Reports about how drones have the potential to change the way businesses operate have dominated the headlines for years. Whether it's a claim about how much time the technology can save or an explanation about the efficiency they can enable, there's no shortage around talk of how UAV's can make a difference for enterprise users. However, it's the logistics of the adoption process that have created the most challenges for companies of all sizes.

Sky-Futures at the 2017 Commercial UAV Show in London.
These adoption challenges are issues that
Sky-Futures recognized and ultimately helped drive them to develop "Drone-to-Go", a full package drone solution for enterprise users that is designed to enable adoption in a far shorter period of time. This complete package includes drone pilot training, regulatory support as well as software and services to ensure deployment. That speed along with the value the tools are opening up is what can and is making a difference.
"So many people don't understand the additional value we can open up with the data that can be gathered via a drone," Sky-Futures CEO James Harrison told Commercial UAV News. "The ability to utilize a whole library of inspection data has provided users with a deeper understanding of the impact we can make. That impact is being driven by a shorter adoption process, and it's why we're focused on ensuring our clients can easily use these tools to the point that they're able to transition a week's worth of work into something that can be done in a day."
That transition comes down to how this package enables users to work with the Sky-Futures team in order to create a strategy around how they want to utilize drone technology, so that someone spending a lot of time sorting through pictures or data can see that process simplified and optimized. Sky-Futures has
numerous case studies that highlight the safety and cost benefits of the technology in a variety of fields. These uses have resulted in millions of dollars in savings for their clients. The strategy associated with how they've been able to unlock these benefits and savings are a key part of the entire process.
Challenges with drone adoption often cause the biggest issues for organizations of all sizes. Whether the potential they represent is realized or not, the logistics associated with integration have prevented many from moving forward with the technology. For this reason alone, the program Sky-Futures has created represents a major breakthrough. A program that allows a company to adopt the technology in a few months versus 12-18 can make the difference between moving forward or not, but that simplified adoption curve is just the beginning of the value Sky-Futures is looking to enable for their users.
“We see ourselves as a specialist company able to advise and profoundly improve the operations and safety of major business organisations around the world," Harrison said. "We're thrilled to be able to offer expertise and assets that will fundamentally change the way they operate. Our new Drone-To-Go solution is a perfect example of that approach.”
Tell me more about Sky-Futures and their Drone-To-Go solution,
visit their site.