News about Percepto’s waiver that enabled the operation of drones at scale across the enterprise in the United States was a big deal when it was announced last year, as it allowed autonomous inspections to be performed in a whole new manner. Something that had been talked about for years was finally a reality, fulfilling the potential that many had never been able to realize. More recent news about BVLOS approval for drone operations in Germany is similarly notable, although it could end up having an even bigger impact.

As the press release details, this new BVLOS waiver removes logistical and cost barriers, such as the need for people on the ground. Officially sanctioned by the Luftfahrt-Bundesamt (LBA), Germany's civil aviation authority, it represents the safe and effective integration of drones into German airspace for Percepto’s client that received the waiver.

Thanks to the safety and reliability of Percepto's drone-in-a-box solutions, this client will be able to maintain comprehensive oversight of the site operations from the comfort of their office environment. While these efficiencies can make a big impact on the operation side, they aren't limited to this area given what can be a complicated regulatory process. This development also provides a path for expedited approvals for future deployments that will be both simpler and faster. 

Expediting the time from proposal to approval holds significance, while maintaining the quality of decision-making,” said Neta Gliksman, Percepto VP of Policy and Government Affairs. “So the objective should be to achieve both efficiency and effectiveness by simplifying, enhancing transparency, and expediting the approval process. The German aviation authority (LBA) provides clear guidelines and illustrative examples for applying for specific category authorizations, which greatly aids in achieving this goal.”

This development is proof that opportunities with drone-in-a-box technology for industrial inspections and monitoring could be opened up across all of Germany. Heavy industries from all over the country are dealing with major challenges when it comes to maintaining reliable critical infrastructure while also meeting high productivity expectations and increasing safety levels. They’re challenges that need to be dealt with on multiple levels, which makes the technology and support provided by Percepto so notable.

“Percepto helps industrial companies save seven-figure amounts and meet these challenges by allowing real-time visibility into their facility’s infrastructure integrity, and finding failures before they escalate into incidents,” Gliksman told Commercial UAV News. “In one instance, an oil & gas customer using Percepto’s Air Max OGI drone detected within hours a methane gas leak that could have gone unnoticed for months using conventional methods, saving the company millions of dollars, minimizing safety risks to workers, and preventing environmental damage.”

That kind of difference is significant for German stakeholders that have to deal with how to best monitor and maintain complex, hazardous and often aging infrastructure assets. These challenges will only become more pronounced across the country and continent, highlighting the need for innovations that can easily and reliably be utilized. Fully automated drone operations that can meet stringent requirements for BVLOS operations in countries like Germany and potentially across Europe represent exactly that.


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