Robotic Assistance Devices, Inc. (RAD), a subsidiary of Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions, Inc., announces a strategic expansion of its market reach through a new partnership with Nightingale Security Inc. This collaboration leverages Nightingale’s proven autonomous drone technology, which has seen increasing sales both in the U.S. and internationally. The partnership is set to explore and capture substantial opportunities across Africa, Europe, Australia, and Latin America.

The types of opportunities in the sales funnel and being pursued use a combination of autonomous detection by RAD’s RIO™ with autonomous dispatch to Nightingale’s autonomous drones. This expansion focuses on specific sectors where autonomous security solutions are not just advantageous but critical. This synergy will allow for low-cost, active patrols and response for large areas with little supporting infrastructure. Specifically, these include mining operations in Australia, Latin America, and Nigeria, oil and gas industries in Africa and Latin America, and critical infrastructures and defense across Africa, Europe, and Latin America. These regions present challenges such as vast, remote areas where traditional human guard deployment is impractical, making advanced automation the optimal solution.

“Our cooperation with Nightingale offers large clients a solution that brings autonomous solutions to dangerous security and surveillance assignments,” commented Steve Reinharz, CEO/CTO of AITX and RAD. “Although we’re following Nightingale’s lead in these international opportunities, we are equally enthusiastic about the growth prospects in the U.S. market.”

Jack Wu, co-founder, and CEO of Nightingale Security added, “Our collaborative efforts with RAD are set to redefine security standards globally. We are excited about the potential in these international markets and the revenue potential they represent. Our partnership underlines the significant impact and growth potential of our autonomous security solutions.”

The Companies noted that they expect to share specific sales information over the next few weeks.

The partners are committed to a long-term vision with typically three-year Robotics-as-a-Service (RaaS) contracts, underscoring their dedication to providing sustained, innovative security solutions worldwide.

For more information about this innovative partnership and to stay updated on further developments, please visit and

Source: Robotic Assistance Devices